Lesson 2 -- Jesus, the Christ
THE ANGEL told the shepherd in the field: "Don’t be afraid! I bring you the good news that will bring great joy to all the people of the world. For this very night, in the City of David, the Saviour, Christ, the Lord, was born" (1).
02 As it is written, so it has come to pass. Out of the house of David, in the City of Bethlehem in Judea, the Messiah was born. And, immediately, the righteous and the wise sought to honor him (2, 3).
03 In time, this child grew to become a man who did mighty works never before witnessed by human eyes because he is not of this world. He is from above. He comes from heaven (4).
04 Concerning him, much is written and much is foretold. John, the Baptist presaged his coming and acknowledged him to his followers (5). Isaiah, the prophet, wrote of him and his work: his teachings of divine truths; his message of hope, his path of deliverance and his promise of eternal life (6). Of his manner and purpose, these are also written (7). And how that some would believe and many would not (8).
05 He is wiser than the wisest and greater than the greatest that ever walked the earth (9). And the pure in heart alone shall be able to receive him (10).
06 Many people in the world have not quite attained to a high degree of development. They have the capacity to evolve to higher levels but as yet, these capacities are like seeds in the process of growth. Many are like sheep, adrift in a sea of darkness and ignorance, lost, not knowing where to go and what to do. Mindless and confused, they need the guidance of a shepherd.
07 Christ is the good shepherd sent by God to tend His sheep. And he knows these sheep well; he feeds them and guides them towards that time when all of them will be together again in the fields of heaven (11).
08 Because of the evil in the hearts of men, the world remains lost in darkness and only the ways of love and goodness can bring light. Christ is this true Light of the World! And through him, we are led to the right path that leads to God. Through his life and teachings, we are guided such that we no longer have to fear the darkness. For so long as we walk in the light of truth, the darkness can be dispelled (12, 13).
09 Very early in his life, Jesus already knew what he was to do (14). He came so that we may better understand the divine laws, so that these laws may more effectively guide us in our quest for the heavenly life (15).
10 He is especially sent to the sinners more than to the righteous, because they are in greater need of his guidance and divine instruction (16). But he teaches even the elect, because even they have much to learn concerning the ways of righteousness. The world does not know the ways of heaven. But Christ who comes from heaven knows. And through him, we are able to obtain insights into these deeper spiritual principles (17).
11 He has revealed and will continue to reveal these truths to all who are deserving. And henceforth, so long as we follow after his divine ways of goodness and holiness, he will be our able guide, our elder brother and our beloved friend (18).
12 There is nowhere else to turn if we desire the best teacher. For he is the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Supreme Teacher. No one else knows better than him. To him are entrusted the words of eternal life (19, 20, 21).
13 Love is the way, the only way. Christ demonstrating perfect love, he is become as love. Christ is love. Christ is the way. Christ having attained to perfect knowledge, he is become as truth. Christ is the truth. Because Christ lives even though he died, he is become as life. Christ is the life. And whosoever follows after the path of love and righteousness shall inevitably find the Truth and enter into the everlasting life prepared for us by the Father since the foundation of the world (22).
14 In order that the people may sit up and listen to his teachings, he performed many so-called miracles. But these things that he did were considered as miracles only because people then were not aware of the underlying and applicable natural laws. In reality, there are no miracles. It is only that the laws governing such phenomena have not as yet been discovered or accepted by our scientists. But all these he performed in order that his message may be heard and accepted (23).
15 He demonstrated his ability by turning water into excellent wine (24). He multiplied the loaves and fish needed to feed thousands (25, 26). The forces of nature obeyed him and acceded to his commands (27). He demonstrated his ability to walk even on water (28). He did many things that no man ever did. But these were not enough. And so he did more.
16 As foretold by the prophets before him, he made the blind to see and the deaf to hear (29, 30, 31). He healed all kinds of diseases and ailments, like fever, leprosy and paralysis, in his desire to alleviate the suffering of many, all the while stressing the need for those afflicted to realize the error of their ways. And still, many people would not listen (32, 33, 34, 35).
17 He cast out evil spirits who had great fear of him, he being the Holy One from God. Evil always being subject to goodness and holiness in all things, except upon the earth, nevertheless, the evil spirits meekly obeyed him (36, 37, 38). Further, he saved many from the clutches of certain death (39, 40). And finally, he raised even the dead back to life (41, 42, 43). All these mighty deeds are recorded in the Holy Scriptures so that all may believe in him, the Christ from God.
18 John the Baptist testified of him but John himself came to doubt his own testimony. To confirm to all who doubted that he was who he said he was, Christ performed his mighty miracles again (44). For more that just the testimony of John, Jesus had far greater proofs to support his contentions. His whole life is one magnificent revelation and his teachings and mighty works prove that he is sent from God (45).
19 Other Bible passages prophesy the death of Jesus: his return to Jerusalem riding on a colt; the soldiers casting lots for his robe, the piercing of his side and the condition of his bones (46, 47, 48).
20 He himself gave sufficient notice to his disciples many times concerning his demise, but they failed to understand what he meant until what he had predicted had actually come to pass. Only then were they able to understand that life is not of the body but of the spirit (49).
21 Had he so desired to keep his earthly life, he would have asked for legions of angels to safeguard him (50). But his kingdom is not of this world. He came down to earth to accomplish a mission of love. Having completed it, he was to go back home to heaven. And though he dreaded the pains of death as anyone would, he knew that the true life awaited him immediately after. And so he resigned himself not to the will and desires of his physical form but to the divine will of God (51).
22 Three days after they had killed his physical body, his followers searched for him but could not find him. And only later when he appeared to them did they realize that he had conquered death just as he had foretold and that he is risen. And because he lives, we too can live. This is the promise of Christ.
23 Many believed in him because they witnessed his many miracles and his triumph over death but more blessed are those who have not even seen him and yet have believed in him (52).
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