Lesson 7 -- Exercises
- Set A: (2 points per item)
- Life is forever.
- The lower worlds are poor images of the higher worlds.
- Truth comes only gradually as a result of continuous study and application of divine principles.
- What money is to this world, character is to the heaven-worlds.
- Man is both body and soul together.
- At the Day of Judgment, our bodies shall be resurrected from their graves.
- In heaven, everyone sits all day long, singing praises to God.
- Our worldly successes will count favorably in the determination of whether or not we can already enter heaven.
- In heaven, our eligibility for entrance will depend on who will intercede in our behalf.
- In the Kingdom of God, there are many mansions or graded levels of heaven.
- Sooner or later, everyone will eventually be able to merit heaven.
- All spirits are holy spirits.
- Only those who live the truth can ever know the truth.
- Nothing imperfect can enter heaven.
- Our physical body is just a vehicle for learning lessons in the physical plane.
- If we have studied diligently and attained to a high level of spiritual knowledge, we certainly will be allowed into heaven.
- Through constant meditation and contemplation, we can attain to Nirvana or its equivalent heaven.
- Provided we do no harm to anyone, we’re sure to go to heaven.
- The prayers of our friends will lift us up to heaven.
- The more we learn, the more there is to learn.
- "What is born of the flesh is _______ and what is born of the Spirit is ________" (JN 3).
- "In the kingdom of my Father, there are ______ mansions" (JN 14).
- "Marriage is ______ for people here on earth; but when those who are declared worthy are raised from the dead and enter the kingdom, they do not _______. And they never _____ again. Instead, they will be ____ _____ ________ who are sons of God because they have gained for themselves a _____ _____ ________ kind of life" (LK 20).
- "‘Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you _____ me; I was thirsty and you ______ me a drink; I was a stranger and you ______ me ____; naked and you _________ me; sick and in prison and you _________ me’" (MT 25).
- Love and goodness, peace and wellbeing are present everywhere. _____ ______ and _____ __________ that all men have suffered while upon the earth just cannot be in heaven. And in heaven, in the realm of the angels, the __________ _________ ____ _____ ______ can be enjoyed to the fullest (Text).
- "He is the God of _____ ________, not of _____ ______; for to Him, all are _______" (LK 20).
- Then he said, "Lord, remember me when you enter into your kingdom." And Jesus replied, "I assure you that this very day, you shall be with me in __________" (LK 23).
- "Abraham said, ‘The ____________ have warned them time and again. Your brothers can ______ ______ anytime they want to.’ The rich man replied, ‘No Father, they won’t care to ______ ______. But if someone who is dead were to come and talk to them, then they would surely turn from their sins.’ But Abraham said, ‘If ______ _______ ________ to Moses and the prophets, ______ _______ ________, either, even though someone rises from the dead!’" (LK 16).
- "I have used __________ to tell you these things, but the time is coming when the truth shall _____ ____ ____ ________ and I will speak to you _________ about the Father" (JN 16).
- In the World of Perfection, there can be _________ ___________ (Text).
- "I am telling you the truth: I speak of ______ ___ ______ and testify of ______ ___ ______ ______ and yet, you won’t believe me. But if you cannot even understand what I am telling you concerning the things of this world, how can you possibly believe me if I told you _______ _____ ________ ____ ________? And no man has ever gone up to heaven, except the Son of God who came down to earth ______ ________" (JN 3).
- Jesus answered, "Who is my mother? And who are my brothers?" Then he pointed to his disciples and said, "Look! ______ are my mother and my brothers! Whoever ______ what my Father in heaven _______ _____ ____ ____ is my brother, my sister and my mother" (MT 12).
- "Unless your righteousness ___________ that of the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders, you will _______ be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (MT 5).
- "Oh, there is ____ ______ ______ I want to tell you, but you cannot understand it now. When the ________ ____ __________ _____ _______ comes, he will _______ you into _____ _______" (JN 16).
- It never was meant for us to remain here on this ___________ planet. Earth life is merely an intermediate phase, a take-off point to ___ ________ ______ (Text).
- We can make a heaven on earth.
- Man is the greatest in all creation.
- In heaven, we will have authority over the angels.
- In heaven, we will be able to fully satisfy all our unfulfilled physical desires.
- There is much less pain and suffering in heaven.
- The truth can be realized by simply studying God’s word.
- Truth is relative.
- After Jesus had returned home to heaven, God no longer spoke to men.
- The Holy Spirit must be obeyed.
- The Holy Spirit will simply tell us the truth.
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