Lesson 1 -- Solutions
- Enlightenment is a gift from God. FALSE. A gift is always free. However, enlightenment is not a free gift because we have to exert great efforts in order to merit the attainment of it. Instead, only the knowledge can be given, but enlightenment or the inward realization of it must be earned.
- Our real objective is to attain to some measure of worldly success. FALSE. See Sol 1.C.4 (the Solution to Lesson 1, Set C, No. 4). We should look at things from God’s point of view, from the spiritual, and not from the point of view of the people in the world. Then, we would realize that worldly success is not at all that important, really.
- God desires that we learn more about Him. TRUE. Certainly. However, the knowledge can come only gradually as a consequence of our continuous study and application of the divine truths.
- We should not question God’s word. FALSE. Refer to Par 1:12 (Lesson 1, Paragraph 12). We must test and analyze even the supposed Word of God.
- In like manner that we prepare for earth life, we should also prepare for eternal life. TRUE. The one important message of this lesson is that we all need to study and prepare for eternal life.
- The Bible is the only true word of God. FALSE. The Bible is neither the only true Word of God nor is it complete in itself. In John 16:12, Jesus clearly tells us there is still so much more that he wants to tell us. In John 21:25, it is reiterated that even the Bible, which is revered as the greatest book of all, does not contain all that Christ did and taught. In addition, as may be inferred from the Introduction, there are the Holy Scriptures of all the other faiths. Likewise, as may be gleaned from the INNER QUEST Home1, Home2 and Home3, more advanced teachings are being made available to us, today, through more recent sources.
- The laws of men are very different from the laws of God. TRUE. God’s laws are perfect. The same cannot be said of the laws made by men. Imperfect or ignorant men can never formulate thoroughly just laws. In this sense, the two are, in fact, very different from each other and so are their resultant effects.
- Heaven cannot be earned through good deeds. FALSE. The opposite is true. Many Christians are taught that they only need to believe in Jesus to be saved. However, as they continue to mature in the faith, they are subsequently enjoined to apply Christ’s teachings or else lose their right to salvation. Therefore, good deeds are still very much required.
- We need only to believe in Jesus and we are saved. FALSE. It is not enough to simply believe. We can only be saved if we live as Christ taught we should live. Therefore, we alone can save ourselves. See also Sol 1.A.8.
- Before we can find truth, we must seek for it. TRUE. The Truth can be found only by the pure in heart who are persistent and dedicated in their search. Truth like gold and anything else of real value demands a stiff price to be paid before it can be found.
- The way to God is through the accumulation of knowledge. FALSE. Knowledge alone without the proper applications is useless. Selfless love and active service to our fellowmen are what bring us closer to God. More on this in Lesson 5.
- Only Christians can ever get to heaven. FALSE. Everyone is equally a child of God, even those belonging to other faiths, and all of us will come to join Him in heaven, eventually.
- The more we pray, the surer we can get to heaven. FALSE. Prayer alone is not enough. The needed action must follow. We shall be judged according to our deeds.
- Every question has an answer. TRUE. Very much so. However, there are different levels of answers, superficial and deep, simple and complex, depending on the capacity of the student to understand. Today, however, all the answers are being made available to those who are ready to receive them.
- The more we study, the more we learn. TRUE. Of course, no question. See Par 1:11.12.
- Ignorance breeds fear and with knowledge, fear is dispelled. TRUE. Fear comes from not knowing. With knowledge, one proceeds to do what needs to be done without fear.
- Everything complex can be made simpler. TRUE. No matter how complex, all things can be simplified and explained in terms that most everyone can easily understand. It is only a matter of relating such complex ideas and things to the ordinary, everyday things and experiences that we encounter daily.
- While money is all-important upon earth, in heaven, it is spiritual knowledge that is most important. FALSE. Knowledge is important but character is most important. Knowledge is nothing without works.
- Only the righteous can enter heaven. TRUE. In the World of Perfection, there can be nothing imperfect or less than righteous. More on this in Lesson 7.
- Every teaching should be subjected to the test of reason in the light of our own personal experiences. TRUE. This is the first rule to learn and practice before anyone can count himself worthy of arriving at the truth. See Par 1:12.
- In any field of knowledge, we learn only as we study (Text).
- "The seeds that fell on rocky ground are those who, as soon as they hear the message, receive it gladly. But it does not sink deep into them and it doesn’t last for long. For when trouble or persecution comes because of the message, they give it up at once" (MT 13).
- "Forgive them, Father! They don’t know what they are doing" (LK 23).
- Real success is not according to the standards of the people in the world (Text).
- "You could say that I am a king, and I have come into this world to reveal the truth. All who are of the truth listens to me" (JN 18).
- "My son, remember when you were still on earth, you had everything you wanted and Lazarus had nothing. So now, he is here being comforted and you are tormented" (LK 16).
- "For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have more than enough. But to those who don’t have, even the little they may be able to acquire will be taken away" (MT 13).
- "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God" (LK 4).
- "Walk while you still have the light, for those who walk in the dark will have great difficulty finding their way" (JN 12).
- "For to whom much is given, much is required; and to whose care more is entrusted, much more will be expected" (LK 12).
- "The seeds that fell among thorn bushes are those who hear the message; but the cares of this life and the love for riches choke the message, such that it doesn’t bear fruit" (MT 13).
- "If you were blind, then, you wouldn’t be guilty; but since you claim that you do see, then, your sin remains" (JN 9).
- "Whoever rejects me and does not accept my teachings will, nevertheless, be judged according to the truths I have spoken" (JN 12).
- However, even as we investigate and seek out every possibility, we must at all times analyze, test and question (Text).
- "Thank you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these truths from the intellectual and the worldly wise and revealing them to the innocent and the open-hearted" (LK 10).
- Life ends at death. DISAGREE. Life continues into the next world, life being eternal.
- Concerning spiritual matters, we must rely on blind faith because these things are beyond our ability to comprehend. DISAGREE. Nothing should be accepted blindly. Every proposition must be analyzed and tested. And only that which is reasonable should be accepted. And eventually, given sufficient time and opportunities, we will be able to comprehend all things.
- We should limit our involvement in purely worldly pursuits. AGREE. We must do all that we need to do. We must learn to master the material aspects of life first before advancing on to the more spiritual. Certain unfinished lessons necessarily entail some degree of worldly involvement. However, the less time and energy we devote to such relatively unimportant worldly matters, the more we will be able to devote to the more important spiritual concerns.
- Here on earth, our chief goals are happiness, peace and contentment. DISAGREE. Rather, our true purpose is to study and prepare for the real and greater life to come after death, where the happiness, peace and contentment that we desire can be enjoyed. Other schools, however, may prefer to use the term perfection, growth or spiritual development to describe our chief goal or purpose in coming to earth. But these terms really have the same meaning.
- Man can never understand the mysteries of life. DISAGREE. Everyone can discover the Truth and learn and understand even the mysteries. But there are prerequisites. First, we must have the desire to learn. Next, we must actively seek for the answers to these mysteries. And as we continue to study and learn more and more, we should, at the same time, consistently apply the divine principles in our lives. Only then can we begin to understand.
- We don’t need to pay for our sins because they have already been paid for by the blood of Jesus. DISAGREE. No one can pay for the debts of another. We must settle our own accounts ourselves. The divine principle of personal responsibility and accountability is the necessary balancing complement to the enjoyment of our free will.
- The innocent may be excused and allowed to enter heaven. DISAGREE. Heaven is reserved only for the righteous who have attained to certain prescribed standards of perfection in virtue, wisdom, knowledge and other things, besides.
- The righteous shall be fully rewarded here on earth. DISAGREE. In the early stages of development, it is often deemed necessary to grant certain earthly compensations because the person still requires reassurances and proofs to keep him straight and convinced. However, the more highly evolved are able to forego earthly rewards, secure in their knowledge of spiritual realities, and they prefer to receive their just rewards in heaven.
- As it is on earth, so also in heaven. DISAGREE. In most everything, the opposite is true. There is nothing evil or imperfect in heaven. And all things beautiful on earth are mere shadow images of the genuine articles in heaven.
- The course teacher is always right. DISAGREE. No one is perfect, hence, no one is always right. However, a student who has not completed instruction or this course is not competent to judge on the matter. Therefore, for the student’s own good, the rule is that he should submit to the authority and advice of the teacher-guide. Once he completes the course, however, he ceases to be a student. He is then free to decide matters for himself and to do as he pleases.
70% is marginal. You need to go over the lesson again if you really want to learn; otherwise, your weak foundation will prevent you from moving forward. You may not believe in the principles detailed herein; nevertheless, you should know what they are. In addition, you probably need more patience. Remember that unless one is willing to work hard for what he wants, he can never, ever attain it.
80% is satisfactory. You already have a good grasp of the basics, which are really, mostly common sense. But there are still a few things you need to be clarified on. So go over your answers and don’t make the same mistakes, again.
90% is very good. You have learned much from your experiences. And so, you are not easily fooled. Your eyes are open. And success is not too far away from you. But learn from your littlest mistakes. And now, all you need to do is to persistently apply the principles you have learned in your daily life.
It doesn’t really matter if you should rate low in any of these exercises. In the beginning, no one is expected to know so much. What is important, however, is what you have learned and retained after you have completed the lessons and what you do with what you’ve learned.
Now, you know where you stand and what you need to do. What happens next is entirely up to you.
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