The Message made plain

The Inner Quest Study Course on the Teachings of Jesus

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lesson 6 -- Exercises

Set A: (2 points per item)
  1. Mistakes cannot be avoided but they can be minimized.
  2. We will always have the opportunities to further develop ourselves.
  3. Failure is actually a stepping stone to eventual success.
  4. He whom God loves, He chastens.
  5. One earth life is only a tiny fragment of eternal life.
  6. In the world, injustice is more the rule rather than the exception.
  7. God considers the needs of the soul more than the needs of the body.
  8. God is fully in control of every situation.
  9. God doesn’t know what we need; we need to keep on telling Him, everytime.
  10. While we are still constrained by the flesh body, we really are unable to do all that we should do.
  11. Each success is only a prelude to even greater success.
  12. God doesn’t hear so well; we should repeat the same prayers over and over again.
  13. Every new day always brings new opportunities for spiritual progress.
  14. Tribulations are actually valuable opportunities for spiritual growth.
  15. The spiritual way is not a practical way of life.
  16. Righteousness is love in action.
  17. Those who have more in life are fortunate; they can advance faster, spiritually.
  18. We are responsible only for our efforts; the results are all up to God.
  19. We should never hurry unduly but we should proceed through life at our own pace.
  20. All that happens is according to God’s divine plan.
Set B: (2 points per item)
  1. "For only a penny, you can buy two sparrows; yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father _________ ____. And even the hair on your head are _____ __________. So don’t worry. You are _____ ______ __________ to Him than many sparrows" (MT 10).
  2. "You will ________ have the poor with you" (JN 12).
  3. "As bad as you are, you know how to give ______ ________ to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give ______ ________ to those who ask Him!" (MT 7).
  4. "So don’t worry about __________, for ____________ needs shall be met even as __________ comes. Life is difficult enough as it is without our having to complicate it further. Therefore, it is sufficient that we resolve our problems ____ ______ _______ and live _____ _____ ____ ___ ______" (MT 6).
  5. First, man must strive to free himself from _____ and advance towards _______________ before he can begin to understand God’s divine ways (Text).
  6. "Don’t be anxious about ______. Don’t worry about ______, _______ ____ _________. After all, isn’t ______ worth more than mere food? And isn’t the ______ more important than clothes?" (MT 6).
  7. "When you hear of wars beginning, don’t be so disturbed because they ______ come" (MT 24).
  8. "Give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and give to _____ what belongs to _____" (LK 20).
  9. The man of the world considers only the things of this world, those that he can _____ and _______ (Text).
  10. In the course of our development, we must pass through _______ _______ ____ __________. We cannot turn spiritual without fully comprehending _____ ____________ ___________ __________ ___________. First, we must learn _____ the lessons of this world (Text).
  11. "You would have no power at all over me unless ____ ____ _______ ____ _____ ______ _______" (JN 19).
  12. "Father," he prayed, "my Father! All things are possible to You. Take this cup of suffering away from me. Even so, not ______ ___ ______ but ______ _____ ______" (MK 14).
  13. "Be __________ and pray that you do not succumb to temptation. The spirit may indeed be _________, but _____ _______ ____ ______" (MT 26).
  14. ____________ is the best teacher. We should see these trials and tribulations, not as the world sees them, but ____ ______ ________ _____. In fact, these experiences are _____ _________ _______________ given to each of us in order that we may advance in our development (Text).
  15. ___ __________ _______ is as one day to the Lord (Text).
Set C: (3 points per item)
  1. Opportunities for progress are always readily available.
  2. God provides for all our physical needs.
  3. The physical body and the soul being inseparable, what happens to one happens also to the other.
  4. Perfection can be attained in one lifetime.
  5. If we follow after the Lord, He will not allow us to suffer.
  6. The shortest way to God is to pass up earthly preoccupations and concentrate on the more spiritual side of life.
  7. Doing nothing is doing something.
  8. If we pray hard enough for peace, believing, we will never have war.
  9. Many have been healed because of their faith.
  10. We should always depend on God’s providence.


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