Lesson 4 -- Solutions
Set A: (2 points per item)
Set A: (2 points per item)
- We should return good even for evil. TRUE. Here is one of many instances where Jesus upgraded the teachings of Judaism or the Old Testament. Previously, the teaching was "An eye for an eye." See Par 3:13 regarding good and evil, Par 4:23 and Ver 4:29.
- The more we have, the more contented we will be. FALSE. See Par 3:19 and Ver 3:22. Life is in being and not in having.
- God gives to every man according to his abilities. TRUE. All things come as a consequence of our own efforts and strivings. See Par 4:11.13 and Ver 4:12.13.
- God owns everything; we ourselves own nothing. TRUE. We are only caretakers for God and we should act accordingly. See Par 4:14.
- The true giver gives especially to those who can’t repay him. TRUE. A distinction should be made between giving and investing. See Par 4:15 and Ver 4:19.
- We should love even those who hate us. TRUE. Jesus said, "Love your enemies." See Par 4:21.22 and Ver 4:26.28. See also Sol 4.C.3.
- God gives to each of us exactly what he deserves. TRUE. God being fair and just has decreed that this be so. See Par 4:11.12 and Ver 4:12.14.
- Charity should be tempered with wisdom. TRUE. There is a right way and a wrong way of giving. These are learned through persistent practice. See Par 4:16.
- We must rise far above earthly standards before we can merit heaven. TRUE. Only those who have attained to certain prescribed standards of righteousness can be allowed to enter heaven. Christ clearly sets down these standards in Lessons 4 to 7 and these standards are far above the righteousness of ordinary men. Loving our enemies is one of the requirements. There are others. See also Par 4:17.
- We should learn to mind our own business. TRUE. Everyone has his rights and is entitled to his own freedoms. See Par 4:07.
- Everyone has the right to decide matters for himself. TRUE. Since we are personally responsible for everything we do, then we must learn to decide matters for ourselves. See Par 4:07.
- We need not respect people who don’t respect themselves. FALSE. Everyone deserves to be respected, regardless. Jesus advises that we must do more than what ordinary people on earth do. See Par 4:07.
- Righteousness comes only as a result of constant practice. TRUE. We should strive to do what is right, everyday. There is no other way to attain to righteousness.
- It is only natural for many young and active children to be naughty and full of mischief. TRUE. Being as yet young, ignorant and inexperienced, children know no better. See Par 4:17.
- In many cases, what is important is not so much what we do but why we do it. TRUE. God realizes that we still have much to learn and so He understands that we will be committing many mistakes or sins in the meanwhile. Therefore, regardless of what we do, whether we do right or wrong, God looks straight into our hearts and also considers our motives and intentions, whether these be for good or ill.
- There is a right way and a wrong way of giving. TRUE. Charity should be tempered with wisdom. This is learned through persistent practice. See Par 4:16.
- Rich men can never get to heaven. FALSE. All things should be taken in moderation and we should look at things in their proper perspective. It is not riches, per se, which prevent us from entering heaven but our attachment to riches and our wrong use of them.
- Because He loves us, God will always forgive us, even if we don’t forgive others. FALSE. We can only be entitled to receive from others what we are willing to give to them, in the first place. See Par 4:20 and Ver 4:25.
- Rewards can be either here on earth or in heaven. TRUE. See Sol 4.C.10.
- We never really know anything until we’ve tried it. TRUE. We need to experience in order to learn. Otherwise, we cannot really know for sure.
- "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God!" (MT 19).
- In our quest for spiritual advancement, each one must begin with self. We should not be critical of others; instead, we should attend to our own personal needs more. We should learn to mind our own business and respect the rights of others. Everyone has the right to live his life according to how he feels life should be lived. No one has the right to impose his will on others (Text).
- "Instead, when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind; and you will be blessed, because they won’t be able to pay you back. And you shall be rewarded when the righteous are brought back to life" (LK 14).
- "He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone" (JN 8).
- It is not important whether we give much or we give little. What is important is the spirit in which the giving is done. We should give from the heart (Text).
- "For whoever exalts himself shall be abased and he who humbles himself shall be exalted" (LK 14).
- "Take care! Don’t do your good deeds publicly to be admired by men, for then, you would lose your reward from your Father in heaven" (MT 6).
- "You have heard it said, ‘You shall love your friends and hate your enemies.’ But I say: Love your enemies" (MT 5).
- "You have heard it said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But now I tell you: Don’t resist evil" (MT 5).
- As being naughty and mischievous is only natural to the children of men, being evil is just as natural to young spirit children because they, as yet, know no better. But given time, everyone will be able to attain to God’s divine ways (Text).
- "For he who is faithful in that which is the least is faithful also in much. And he who is dishonest in minor matters will also be dishonest in the more important ones" (LK 16).
- "I tell you that this poor widow put more in the offering box than all the others. For the others put in a little of their excess wealth; but she, poor as she is, put in all she had, even that she needed to live on" (MK 12).
- "And if you respect only those who are your friends, what do you do that is more than what others do? Even the pagans do that. But you are to become perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect" (MT 5).
- "But first, seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be ours, as well" (MT 6).
- Such is the purpose of life on earth. Here, we are taught the basic precepts of divine love and righteous living. Here, we train in preparation for the greater life that is to come (Text).
- We can change the world. DISAGREE. It is not right for anyone to impose on another against his will. Neither can we change the world if it doesn’t care to change itself. It is enough that we change ourselves. And let us allow everyone else the freedom and the choice to change himself. The right to decide for oneself goes hand in hand with the principle of self-accountability and must be respected. And the world can change itself only through the collective individual efforts of all its inhabitants.
- Those who are great in the eyes of men are necessarily great also in the eyes of God. DISAGREE. Man judges on the basis of incomplete and, very often, false information. His sense of values is distorted, premised as it is on the illusions and false notions of the people in the world. But God is not so deceived or bound by such worldly standards. God demands far more. And His judgment is always fair and just.
- Anyone who hates cannot love God. AGREE. We are, all of us, part and parcel of God. No one can hate any part and still love the whole. We must love all and hate no one before we can really love God.
- All the really good things can only be found in heaven. AGREE. All things on earth are just poor replicas of their genuine counterparts in heaven. Earthly things are not to be desired.
- Repentance alone is not enough. AGREE. In addition, we need to effect restitution or else render compensatory services to our fellowmen.
- Jesus said, "Judge not." Therefore, we should abolish courts and judges. DISAGREE. It is true that we should not judge others; however, courts and judges are with us because there is so much benefit to be derived from such judicial exercises. In the process, all who are involved will be able to learn more concerning the principles of justice and fairness. At the same time, those who err may be helped to reform themselves.
- Criticism doesn’t help at all. DISAGREE. Actually, constructive criticism is very necessary towards one’s improvement. Otherwise, very few will be able to make good progress. However, we should always take care that our intentions are for the good. Likewise, we should learn the proper ways of offering our suggestions.
- To every given situation, we should go by the book. DISAGREE. Because of special circumstances that are almost always present in every situation, more often than not, we should decide matters on a case to case basis. Still, we should also refer to and be guided by the set guidelines that may be available although we should not be so constrained or limited by them.
- Where possible, we should give our loved ones only the best that this world can offer. DISAGREE. In like manner that God provides us with necessary trials and tribulations for our further development, we also should be concerned with the more important needs of our loved ones. We should consider the lasting effects of such gifts and provisions on the spirit self, rather than just the temporary physical satisfaction the gifts can bring.
- Rewards cannot be both on earth and also in heaven for the same deed. DISAGREE. The granting of rewards depends on what is actually needed and is always according to what is best. In many instances, the rewards may be broken down proportionately with a portion to be granted here on earth and the rest to be enjoyed in the higher realms.
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