Lesson 5 -- Exercises
Set A: (2 points per item)
Set A: (2 points per item)
- The way is through prayer and devotion to God.
- God never punishes; instead, God teaches.
- Despite our persistent and best efforts, we will still continue to commit mistakes.
- The way is through the development of psychic powers.
- As we sow, so shall we reap.
- We are not supposed to undergo suffering in this life.
- No matter the gravity of our sins, we can be forgiven.
- Our material wealth will be a credit in our favor even in heaven.
- We can clear up our liabilities only by paying back the full amount.
- Our tomorrow depends entirely on what we do today.
- Regardless of what religion we may espouse, the Path remains essentially the same.
- We can best help ourselves by helping others.
- Some physical needs are very essential and should be attended to first even before some of our spiritual needs.
- The way is through love and service.
- Those in God’s service are doomed to a life of abject misery and poverty.
- We can ask someone else to carry our cross for us.
- The way to God is easy when you know how.
- The way can be easier when you know what to do.
- Every little contribution helps in the total effort.
- Apart from life and our innate capabilities, we must work to gain for ourselves almost everything else.
- "There was once a man who had two sons. He went to the older one and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’ ‘I won’t,’ he answered; but later, he _________ _____ ______ and he _____ ____. Unaware of his change of mind, the father told the younger, ‘You go.’ And he said, ‘All right, I will.’ But he ________. Which of the two obeyed his father?" They replied, "The _______, of course." So Jesus told them, "I tell you plainly that ______ _____ and _____________ will get into the kingdom before you do" (MT 21).
- "For what good is it for a man to ______ the whole world if, in exchange, he _______ his eternal soul?" (MK 8).
- "As you know, the kings and great men of the earth lord it over the people. But in your case, it is different. Whoever wants to be great among you must be ______ _________. And whoever wants to be the greatest of all must be _____ _________ ____ _____" (MK 10).
- To another man, he said, "Follow me." But the man said, "Lord, first let me go back and bury my father." Jesus replied, "Let _______ _____ _____ ______ ____ ________ bury their own dead. Your duty is to go and ________ _____ ________ ____ _____ _________ ____ _____" (LK 9).
- It doesn’t really matter that we have sinned or that we ______ ______________ divine laws because everyone ______ and continues to _____, ____ _____ being perfect (Text).
- "Settle disputes with your adversary, amicably, before it is too late; otherwise, he might drag you into court and the court would hand you over to the authorities to be thrown in jail. I tell you, you won’t be released from there until you ______ ______ _____ ______ _______" (MT 5).
- "No man can serve _____ masters, for either he will hate one and love the other; or else, he will support one and despise the other. You cannot serve ______ God and money" (MT 6).
- "The harvest is so great but _____ _________ _____ ____ _____" (MT 9).
- "Don’t take any money with you. Don’t even carry a duffel bag with extra clothes and shoes or even a walking stick, for those you help should ______ _____ ______ _____ _____" (MT 10).
- The Way to God is _______ ______. The road is strewn with ________. The journey, extremely ___________. The path, ________ and ______ to traverse. And ______ _____ are able to find it (Text).
- "If anyone wants to come after me, he must _____ _______ _____ _____ _________ _________, ______ ____ _____ _______ and ________ ____" (MK 8).
- "I have food to eat that you know nothing about. My food is ____ ____ _____ ______ ____ _____ _____ _____ ______ ____ and ____ ________ _____ ______ ____ ______ ____ ____ ____" (JN 4).
- "Don’t waste your time accumulating _____ __________ ___________ ____ ______ _______ which can last only for a time and can be stolen, besides. But strive for _____ ______ ___________ ____ ________ which cannot be destroyed and which cannot be stolen" (MT 6).
- "____ you adhere to my teaching, you will really be my disciples; and you shall know _____ _______ and _____ _______ shall make you free" (JN 8).
- The Way to the true life is clear. It is through ______ and _________ ____ _____ ___________ (Text).
- In this life, we should divide our time equally between our material and spiritual pursuits.
- Love implies a ready willingness on our part to suffer in the place of another.
- Our material or physical desires very often run counter to our spiritual needs.
- Each person needs to do his own share in God’s work.
- In striving to be good, we shouldn’t push ourselves to our limits.
- Far better than to give a man fish is to teach him how to fish.
- In this life, hardships cannot be avoided.
- Since we cannot avoid misfortunes, our life being mostly predestined, we may as well conserve our efforts at preventing such occurrences.
- So long as we are able to render the greater services, we may dispense with the lesser ones.
- What we owe one, we can repay to another.
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